How To Check The Market Value Of Property?

There are few ways to check it.
1. Ask a banker to do it.
You can use the conventional way, by asking your bankers to check it.

2. You can check it online 

Few property websites provide actual transacted prices to the public.

3. This is the most advanced technique. Artificial Intelligence (AI) model to do value checking

We use Machine language (ML) to predict the property value. This technique has been mooted for about two decades ago.

This is the most advanced and latest technology uses for property value checking and prediction. You can google those Machine language tools like TensorFlow, neural network, regression, random forest, and many others. You may find those jargon in data sciences likes anaconda, python, keras, matlotlib, and many others.

Machine language (ML) UNFOLDS the patterns of the hidden facts in the transacted properties and UNFOLD to the truest value of the property.  Those hidden facts like differences in terms of floor level, facing, the situation of the property (corner, end), quantum in size, low and highrise difference, and even the difference of unit number may bring to a different value.

Here, the Machine language (ML) modeling is done by a group of experienced practicing professionals in property fields. 1 of them has 3 experiences in hand, ie. IT, machine languages and 20++ years experience in property and make them the most suitable candidates to deliver the most appropriate property value. They have enough information and experience to know whether the ML is on the correct path to deriving the value.


Try today then you will know. Fill in the required information to derive at the market value.

How to / Check your property value here


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